Read the Book Review

Conference of Interpreter Trainers


Legacies and Legends: Interpreter Education from 1800 to the 21st Century
by Dr. Carolyn Ball, PhD
Published 2013  ISBN 978-0-96977-928-5

Professionals from all professions must know their history! Interpreters, students, and educators will appreciate Dr. Carolyn Ball’s book Legacies and Legends: History of Interpreter Education from 1800 to the 21st Century. It answers many questions about the history of interpreter education in the United States. How did interpreting become a profession? What were the laws that affected Deaf people and the provision of interpreters? Who were the major players in the development of interpreter education?

Dr. Ball’s passion for her subject is clearly evident. Legacies includes over 40 historical photos and incredible passages from personal interviews of the important pioneers who were involved in shaping what the profession is today.

Did you know…

  • Abraham Lincoln signed The Enabling Act allowing Deaf and hard of hearing students access to post secondary education.
  • Codas were instrumental in developing the interpreting profession. Watch interviews on our blog with JoAnn Dobecki Shopbell and Virginia Lee Hughes.
  • NAD and ASLTA were significant collaborators in the growth of interpreter education.
  • CIT had its roots in RID.

About the Author

Carolyn Ball, PhD is the Affiliate Chapter Liaison for the Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf. Additionally, Carolyn teaches American Sign Language Interpreting and has been teaching in higher education for over twenty-five years. She specializes in leadership, translation and the history of the American Sign Language Interpreting profession. Carolyn has served on several national boards, including the RID and CIT Boards. She is currently a commissioner on the Commission on Collegiate Interpreter Education. Dr. Ball’s primary area of research has focused on the history of interpreter education and leadership.

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